Read food, real workout

I’m pretty good about paying attention to the work through which I put my body, but I’m not always so good about paying attention to what I put in it. Thus, one of my new year goals is to eat more REAL food. Real, as in not refined, not fat-free, not processed. The fat-free, low-fat craze is misleading–those buzz words don’t in any way mean less calories, and I’m starting to realize that buying low-fat or fat-free options isn’t making me feel good inside. So, I am going to try to eat more whole foods–real foods, and make sure to limit my intake of fuller fat and rich foods. Really, it’s all about calories in, calories out.

Everything in moderation 🙂

But, I’m not going to track my food, though. I KNOW that it’s one of the ways to be most successful when it comes to weight loss, but I JUST DON’T DO IT. I’ll do it for a few days, but it always seems like such a chore. Any suggestions from my few readers about how to make food journaling easier are very welcome!


Today’s workout was a doozy, though! My calves are screaming for some foam rolling. Today was the second day of half-marathon training, so Darrah and I did cardio and strength intervals today, starting with an intense Tabata set on the treadmill.

Tread Tabata

2 min walk 4.0

3 min jog 5.0

20s on, 10s off 4x each of the following:

sprint 7.0

sprint 7.5

sprint 8.0

sprint 8.5

sprint 9.0

sprint 8.5

sprint 8.0

2 min jog 5.0

1 min walk 4.0

Works out to be about a 20 minute workout and Darrah and I were dripping by the end! But boy, the minutes have never gone by so fast! You have to be careful, though, when you do sprints on the treadmill at such fast speeds. Make sure you have a sure grip on the arms of the treadmill before you jump off. D had a bit of a scare this morning with the hopping off part! Seriously, not fun. She was fine, though and finished the workout!

Darrah put together our strength portion and it was a simple but challenging set:

Upper Body Intervals

1 min of each, 20 seconds rest/transition (2x through)

1. tricep dips on bench

2. bicep curls

3. pushups

4. lateral raise combo (front / side / pinkie*)

5. squats

6. overhead press

*pinkie raises are side raises where your pinkie finger leads and your knuckles are facing forward, so you’re working more of your triceps than your deltoids*

Abdominal Intervals

1 min of each, 20 sec rest/transition (1x through*)

1. russian twists with 4# medicine ball

2. bicycle crunches

3. tuck-ins on stability ball

4. side plank raises

5. plank on elbows

*we had intended to do two sets of the abs, but we ran out of time. Not sure we would have made it through a second round, though! It was tough after all that tabata and strength circuit!*